Devoted friends of WomenSing!
More and more I am learning what an ardent group of supporters you are. It is a joyous moment for me as I join you, who know and appreciate the power of choral music, of live performance and of community.
When I first heard WomenSing in performance, I was moved to feel the music radiating from each and every singer. It is rare to sense such collective dedication, love, and zeal in an ensemble this large. I'm excited to lead such a vibrant group-diverse spirits and characters, unified in sonority.
Coupling the traditional and the unexpected has been a hallmark of WomenSing and has brought to their concerts that special and rare thrill! For over a half-century, WomenSing has been a pillar of the artistic community of the East Bay. I look forward getting to know you, our faithful audience, as we journey towards an ever-growing future.
I would like to extend you a warm invitation to be part of this inaugural season. We have planned some exciting musical moments for you, guaranteed to keep you inspired by the artistry of these wonderful singers. Please grab a front row seat and make sure to share withme your impressions after each concert. Your involved listening is the most important aspect of your support of WomenSing.
Be inspired, experience the magic.
Ofer dal Lal,
Artistic Director