Why Your Support is So Important to WomenSing
WomenSing was created over 55 years ago by women who wanted to express themselves through the beautiful and evocative choral music created for women’s voices. We’ve grown into an award-winning chorus that both celebrates the classics and introduces fascinating contemporary work that we ourselves commission.
We cannot achieve all our dreams without your help. Forty percent of our budget depends on individual donations from people like you. Virtually all revenue is dedicated to musical activities and programs. Every gift is well used and deeply appreciated!
Show your support!
There are several ways to make a tax-deductible contribution to WomenSing.
- Your gift to the Annual Campaign supports ALL WomenSing Programs, where the need is the greatest. Unrestricted gifts are designated for the annual campaign.
- Sponsor a WomenSing concert, event, activity, or program. For business donors, sponsorships are excellent ways to both support WomenSing and enjoy the benefits of public recognition.
- Legacy Gifts have a lasting impact and are a wonderful way to honor or remember a beloved friend or family member.
- Make a gift of goods or services to the Silent Auction at our Annual Gala!
Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. See below for additional information. If you have questions, please contact WomenSing at [email protected].
Businesses, companies, and individuals provide significant support by becoming sponsors of a WomenSing concert, event, activity, or program. WomenSing works with each sponsor to provide the benefits, recognition, and publicity appropriate to the sponsor’s needs.
Legacy Gifts
Demonstrate your belief in the importance of WomenSing and its dedication to choral music for future generations by including WomenSing in your estate plans. Making a legacy gift through your will, IRA, living trust, life insurance policy, or bank account is not difficult. An estate gift is an excellent way to create a named honorary or memorial tribute fund. (See below). WomenSing recommends that you discuss the tax implications and advantages of a charitable gift from your estate with your tax or legal advisor. For more information, please contact WomenSing at [email protected].
Make a Donation to the Annual Gala Silent Auction
Every October, WomenSing presents a Gala and Silent Auction. At the gala, 150 or more guests enjoy great wine, delicious appetizers, and an irresistible display of silent auction items. Please consider a donation of goods or services to our Gala Silent Auction. Your gift will be in good company! As an Auction Donor, you will be listed in all publications for the Gala and for the performance season including concert programs. You will also be listed on our website with a link to your website. We would be delighted to display your promotional materials as part of your auction presentation. For more information or to make a donation, please contact WomenSing at [email protected].