In June, WomenSing will present Southern Exposure, a concert that will juxtapose all things Southern—Latin American music, Appalachian folk tunes, and Australian tribal texts—with Northern Hemisphere gems. The music will elevate the soul as the choir travels the musical globe to celebrate nature, family and community. Southern Exposure will incorporate the dance rhythms of the Island of Santo Domingo, a mother’s experience through Spanish lullabies, a Swahili proverb of encouragement to women and much, much more.
Along with works by Francisco Nuñez and Stephen Paulus, WomenSing will perform Benjamin Britten’s Missa Brevis in D. This abbreviated but exquisite Mass displays Britten’s brilliant technical mastery and imagination through his characteristic flair for writing for treble voices and his equally magnificent organ part. This piece will be WomenSing’s contribution to the worldwide celebration of the 100th anniversary of Britten’s birth.
Southern Exposure will also mark the 5th year that WomenSing performs a Youth Inspiring Youth commission, this year by Julia Seeholzer. Ms. Seeholzer’s composition, Hay un Rio Oscuro, puts to music the Spanish poem written by two 9-year-old children from the River of Words project in connection with the Center for Environmental Literacy at St. Mary’s College. WomenSing will be joined by the Contra Costa Children’s Chorus Honors Ensemble.
Southern Exposure will also include pieces that WomenSing will perform at the 9th International Choral Festival in Missoula, Montana, in July. Ms. Seeholzer will be featured in a pre-concert talk 30 minutes before each concert, and the audience at the Sunday afternoon concert in Berkeley will be treated to a post-concert reception honoring Ms. Seeholzer.
Sunday, June 2, 4 pm First Congregational Church Berkeley 2345 Channing Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Reception to follow |
Wednesday, June 5, 8 pm Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church 49 Knox Drive Lafayette, CA 94549 |