We are very pleased to announce that WomenSing has just received the Arts Commission of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors 2010 Award for Artistic Achievement along with a formal Resolution of Commendation from the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors. The Award and Proclamation were accepted by Artistic Director, Martin Benvenuto during a special presentation at the County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 15th. In attendance were several singers and friends of WomenSing. This annual arts recognition honors those who have made significant artistic or philanthropic contributions to Contra Costa County’s arts and culture over a sustained period of time. WomenSing is honored to have been chosen as the 2010 recipient of this Award and Proclamation.
Here is the Proclamation from the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors ‘Resolution of Commendation.
Whereas WomenSing has advanced the appreciation of the arts in Contra Costa County and,
Whereas WomenSing has contributed to Contra Costa County’s arts and culture environment for over 45 years and,
Whereas WomenSing has provide stimulating repertoire of both the traditional and less familiar choral works and,
Whereas WomenSing was the recipient of the prestigious 2010 Chorus America ASCAP Alice Parker Award for Adventurous programming of contemporary music,
Therefore be it resolved that the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors congratulates WomenSing for their outstanding involvement in and contribution to Contra Costa County’s Arts and Culture.
Awarded this 15th Day of March, 2011