Experience the joy of singing in a community of talented and dedicated women! WomenSing is always seeking experienced and skilled choral singers. We would love to have you join us for an exciting upcoming season.


Auditions for Winter / Spring 2025


Auditions will be held on January 15, 2025 where you will meet and sing with Artistic Director, Ofer dal Lal.


The auditions will be held at:


To make an audition appointment, please send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest in joining the group. The Artistic Director will provide you with a time-slot, along with any further instructions. Feel free to ask any questions you might have in your email, or during the audition itself.



About the Audition


The audition will last approximately 20 minutes and will be relaxed and enjoyable. Please prepare a song of your choice (art song, aria, folk song, or choral excerpt) to perform. Please bring a copy of the music for the accompanist. You may expect a brief discussion with the Artistic Director about WomenSing and also about your choral experience. There will be some vocalization and singing through a few a capella scales. You will also be asked to sing a short sight reading passage.



Get to Know Us

Listen to the latest performances from WomenSing on our YouTube channel where you’ll find several WomenSing recordings of all varieties to view and hear.



Frequently Asked Questions about WomenSing


What does WomenSing look for in new singers?

First and foremost, WomenSing seeks team players who can commit to the high artistic standards we strive for. We seek experienced and skilled choral singers. Some sight-reading ability is desired, and willingness to learn the music in a timely fashion is required. We take our tag-line, “The Traditional and the Unexpected,” seriously. This means that along with well-known choral pieces, WomenSing also performs unusual contemporary music, along with singing pieces from many cultures and in many different languages.


Are there solo and small group opportunities?

Yes. These opportunities vary widely depending on the program. Some will be auditioned and some will be assigned.


Are members required to re-audition?

Yes. Returning singers re-audition every three years on a rotation basis.


Are there fees or tuition rates to be in the choir?

The fee for the first two semesters for new singers is $175 per semester (i.e. Fall and Winter/Spring). The fee for all returning singers this Winter/Spring will be $225. The music fee for all singers is $30.


Does WomenSing offer Scholarships?

WomenSing offers scholarships to singers who need assistance with the costs of participating in the organization. Cost should never be a factor in your decision to participate. Please speak with the Treasurer for more information.


What is the performance dress code?

Singers wear their own concert black clothing. Additionally, we wear either a custom jacket purchased for the concert (blues/greens for Spring and red for December) or an accent-color accessory that is chosen for the occasion. Each jacket costs approximately $45, and there may be some jackets that can be temporarily loaned.



Information for New and Returning Singers


Rehearsal Schedule

WomenSing rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:15pm to 9:45pm PT at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (1035 Carol Lane) in Lafayette, California. We rehearse in the Oakview-3 room. Parking is available in the lot for Creekside Commons Entry A, the first parking lot before the church building.


Music Practice Materials

Our private database will give singers access to sound files, score markings, pronunciation guides, translations, and more.


Group Sectionals

In addition to the Wednesday night rehearsals, WomenSing offers sectionals held at 6:15pm PT before the regular rehearsal. These sectionals occur on a rotating basis (Altos will rehearse together one week, then Sopranos will rehearse together the next week, and so on). Section leaders also lead optional sectionals at members’ homes to help singers master the notes and rhythms.


Additional Musical Activities

WomenSing holds an extended rehearsal retreat usually once during the months prior to each concert. This allows for more time to delve further into the music, and attendance is expected. WomenSing has also held workshops where members work with a noted clinician. Past clinicians have included Libby Larsen, Joseph Jennings and Charles Bruffy. There have also been opportunities for optional outreach performances and touring.


Volunteer Opportunities

Chorus members contribute to the smooth functioning of the organization by volunteering their skills in finance, publicity, marketing, development, and organizational support. WomenSing also holds an annual fundraiser in October. Participation in this fun and essential event is strongly encouraged.


COVID-19 Policy Update

Wearing a mask during rehearsals is optional. Singers should stay home when feeling ill or testing positive for COVID-19.