For WomenSing, the greatest gift of the season is the opportunity to share our music with you. That’s our mission. In everything we do, we seek to create a vibrant choral experience that transforms both audience and singer.
Describing such a sublime experience in words can be difficult. But song never fails! In 1817, Franz Schubert found the perfect inspiration in a poem by his friend, the poet Franz von Schober. He turned that poem into one of most famous songs in the literature. The poem was An Die Musik – To Music. (Click on the poem below to hear the inimitable soprano Elly Ameling sing that most famous lied by Franz Schubert.)
Oh lovely Art, in how many grey hours,
Has our vibrant sound carried you “away into a better world?” Does our carefully crafted “sweet, sacred” mix of the traditional and the unexpected inspire you to appreciate this “lovely Art?” Your charitable gift sustains us. Your support is the foundation for our musical accomplishments.
Please help now! Every gift matters!
All new donors and all renewing donors who increase their gifts by at least $50 will be honored as Founding Contributors at the inaugural Treble Voices Now concert in April.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts – and the top of our singing range!