WomenSing invites you to a weekend of free events designed for choral music lovers, composers, conductors, musicians and poets.
The first takes place on Friday, April 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Hagerty Lounge at St. Mary’s College in Moraga. The Words Into Music Symposium will be an interactive dialogue on and demonstration of choral music composition, exploring the dynamic relationship between melody and verse.
The Symposium will feature a panel discussion among internationally acclaimed composers Libby Larsen and Sandra Milliken, Youth Inspiring Youth composer Dale Trumbore, poet Francisco Alarcón and Martín Benvenuto, WomenSing’s Artistic Director. The event is co-sponsored by St. Mary’s College’s Center of Environmental Literacy, home of WomenSing’s artistic partner, River of Words. Participants will have the opportunity for 15-minute private “buttonhole” conversations with the panelists. Coffee and other beverages will be served at 9:30 a.m. A complimentary “light” lunch following the Symposium can be reserved. Guests should RSVP by email to [email protected]. Those wishing to reserve a place at the luncheon and/or conversation time with the panel should RSVP no later than Wednesday, April 25.
A composers Workshop will be held on Saturday, April 28, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Lafayette Events Center, located at 3780 Mt. Diablo Blvd. in Lafayette. Guests will get a fascinating glimpse into the process of choral composition, and be a part of the creative collaboration of the choir and the composers. Libby Larsen and Sandra Milliken will work with our 2012 commissioned composers Dale Trumbore and Anastasia Pahos throughout this open rehearsal. Coffee and light refreshments will be served before and during the Workshop. Guests should RSVP by email at [email protected] no later than Wednesday, April 25.
The workshop is funded in part by the New Music USA’s MetLife Creative Connections program. Following these links for more information about the Words into Music Symposium and the Composers Workshop.